Our Work
Main Foci.
Crisis Response Network: ICE / Know-Your-Rights Collaboration with Alexandre Law & New Sanctuary Coalition, immigration bail fund, ICE court accompaniment (discussion in process), referrals to Womankind and other vetted service providers (Red Umbrella Certification)
Migrant Sex Worker Oral History Project / labor conditions survey project (with Dr. Elena Shih – Brown University)
Survivor Leadership / Worker-Leader Workshops (Worker-Leader 8-week training institute, funded by Third Wave Sex Worker Giving Circle)
Coast-to-Coast Chinatown (March 2020, Red Canary Song hosting Coast-to-Coast nation-wide + Canada conference, with training in outreach to migrant massage workers, and changing anti-trafficking narrative to sex worker labor rights)
Long Term Projects.
DecrimNY – In coalition with other organizations across the city to decriminalize sex work through the Stop Violence in the Sex Trades Act. We are also participating in the campaign to investigate Vice NYPD corruption, and ban the profiling and arrest of trans people of color (Walking While Trans bill).
RCS Mobile health van: medical care as alternative to policing in anti-trafficking (Zil Goldstein, Callen-Lorde — discussing collaboration with Planned Parenthood).